St. John’s Wort (Hypericum Perforatum)

Part Used: Flowering top
Height: 3ft tall
Preparation: Tincture, Infusion, Fixed oil (used topically) of dried flowers
Companion: Valerian
Dark red oil glands that line the margins of petals & leaves contain hypericin, a key active constituent
Its effect on the hormone melatonin makes it useful for jetlag
Influences brain chemistry
Anti-depressant (Do not combine w other anti-depressants)
Results can take 6 weeks
Mild to moderate depression
Seasonal Affective Disorder
Nervous exhaustion
Mood during menopause
Helps sleep
Stimulates liver detoxification
Reduces drug levels in the body, reducing their effectiveness
Stomach ulcers (one teaspoon of fixed oil per day)
Nerve tonic
Dulls nerve pain
Arthritic joints
Apply topically in affected area or on cheek before dental treatment
Speeds tissue repair
Wound healer
Postoperative scars
Knife & puncture wounds, sprains, bruises (Fixed oil is antiseptic)
Can cause sensitivity to sunlight